The Land of Moon & Venus
The Pleasure of Comfort May 17, 2015 05:00

The pleasure of comfort was considered an extraordinary indulgence and a pioneering idea not so long ago. One of the undercurrents for equality, the awareness of comfort as the state of being, to which we are entitled to, appeared on the horizon of the corset-clad history only at the turn of the nineteenth century.
A natural impulse of being comfortable in our bodies is intimately intertwined with the desire to be comfortable in our mind and our heart. The desire to be comfortable in our skin inspires us to discover our natural state and who we genuinely are. It strengthens our core. It encourages us to leap outside the box and spread our wings.
Intuitively, it guides us to relax into our own personal bliss and the absolute truth of our authentic Selves. When we experience the sensory or the spiritual pleasure of the inner comfort, we are sunlit by our own magnificence. Unrestricted, liberated and free, we step comfortably into our own Limelight.
Yours Naturally March 7, 2015 17:36
PURE Seamless stemmed from a design recipe, intending to bring forth Yin Yang polarities, together fusing the man’s undershirt and vintage corsetry in its essence.
While being an agent for shared intimacy, the tank may not be the first or only item of clothing that women boldly plucked out of men’s wardrobes for their own comfort and pleasure. After all, at one time men rivaled women in their love of wearing lace, an arena where females now rule. As a sartorial muse and a stand-in for voluptuous androgyny, the tank sparked an idea for a visual and tactile design palate that turned the heat on. Adding a dash of vintage corsetry DNA into the mix spiced up the recipe, unleashed the passion, and it began to smolder.
In a nutshell the result is a luxurious silk blend knitwear, specially developed in Italy with state-of-the-art seamless technology. Transcending categories and seasons. Pure Seamless appeals to a modern woman of style who feels naturally sexy in her own skin, expressing herself fully and experiencing beauty inside out.